Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on an individual's pattern and diagnosis. A patient receives a custom herbal formula designed to treat their individual pattern, as well as their underlying symptoms. Chinese herbal medicine is an extremely important accompaniment to the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture, especially because it is effective in the promotion of the body's ability to heal and recover.
The herbs used in Chinese medicine may include vegetable, animal, and mineral ingredients; however, the majority of ingredients are from vegetable sources. Endangered species are never used, and most practitioners make an effort to utilize sustainable, locally harvested herbs. Chinese herbal medicine is most commonly taken in a decocted tea form, a preparation that ensues from boiling selected raw herbs. Herbal pills and powder extracts are also popular forms of Chinese herbal medicine. Any of these forms can be administered for either acute or chronic conditions, so it is best to speak with a practitioner to determine the best form for you. |