Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine that consists of the gentle insertion and manipulation of thin, sterile, single-use needles at specific acupuncture points near the surface of the body to promote natural healing and improve functioning.
While each person experiences acupuncture differently, most people feel only a minimal amount of pain as the needles are inserted. You may feel a light tingling sensation, a warming sensation or nothing at all. Most people report feeling calm and relaxed after their treatment. |
Acupuncture Can Treat...
Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders
Emotional and Psychological Disorders
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Immune Disorders
Respiratory Disorders
Circulatory Disorders
Gynecological / Genitourinary Disorders
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders
Acupuncture Also Treats
Initial Acupuncture Consultation and Treatment: 60 – 75 min ~ $175
Follow-Up Acupuncture Treatments: 50 min ~ $125
- Evaluation & diagnosis
- Acupuncture treatment
- Cupping or Gua Sha as needed
- Herbal recommendations as appropriate
- Plan for course of treatment
Follow-Up Acupuncture Treatments: 50 min ~ $125
- Evaluation & diagnosis
- Acupuncture treatment
- Herbal recommendations/modifications as appropriate
- Cupping or Gua Sha as needed